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Home » How To Read Like A Pro: Your Blueprint To Build A Reading Habit

How To Read Like A Pro: Your Blueprint To Build A Reading Habit

Mans hand holding a book open

Build an unbreakable reading habit

Congratulations, my literary compadres! You’re already ahead of the curve just by diving into this post. Let’s find out how to build a reading habit that will stand the test of time.

Here’s the deal: the secret sauce to any grand endeavour is the desire to pursue it. That’s the spark that propels you forward, and unlocks the doors of achievement. If you’re itching for a reading habit, it all begins with wanting one.

It doesn’t matter if your last book was mind-bending or “meh,” if Netflix is raising it’s eyebrow, or if the books seem to be just lounging there on your dusty bookshelf – that’s when you know it’s time to grab one and get lost in it’s pages.

Here’s the kicker, folks: building habits is no overnight rodeo, it’s a steady journey. It takes time, dedication, and a few crafty strategies. But guess what? This post is your roadmap to kickstart the transformation with 10 Bookish Gent tips and strategies to develop an unbreakable reading habit. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned reading veteran, this post has got you covered. Let’s dive in together shall we! 📚🚀🎩

1. Create a TRL

Gentlemen, let’s talk strategy! Having a curated list of captivating books at your fingertips will nudge you towards embarking on a reading adventure. A stellar “to-read list” is your personalised treasure trove, brimming with titles that align with your interests and promise riveting tales. It’s not just about chasing the popular picks—sometimes, those aren’t the smoothest starting points. Seek counsel from your fellow readers, tap into the vast world of books online, and whenever someone’s gushing about a gem, add it to your list. Even if an intriguing book gets a cameo in your current read, make room for it. As you journey through the literary landscape, your list evolves. When the time comes to pick a new book, you’ve got a handpicked selection right there, no internet deep-dives or overwhelming choices. No more sifting through endless recommendations, my friends. With a well-crafted list, your next read is as effortless as a turn of the page. Goodreads is a great place to start!

2. Surround yourself with bookish Comrades

Let’s unlock the secret to boosting our reading mojo! Connect with your literary comrades – those friends who share your passion for the written word. Engage in conversations about the books they’re devouring, discover new treasures, and let that reading enthusiasm rub off on you. If you’re on the lookout for book buddies, venture into the world of online readers. Follow fellow book enthusiasts – like my good self – on platforms like Instagram or Twitter (don’t forget to sign up to this blog too!). When you witness others immersed in the joy of reading, it sparks that craving within you. We’re all influenced by our surroundings, so why not curate an environment that inspires the reading habit you seek? Surround yourself with those you aspire to be like, especially when it comes to reading. Embrace the power of the internet – it’s a golden gateway to connect with the vast online book community. Finding kindred spirits with similar tastes is a breeze. Let’s tap into this digital camaraderie, and build a reading habit for the ages!

3. Strategically stash your book

Alright, lads, let’s unveil another secret to supercharge our reading game – especially for us digital-loving book aficionados. You see, even with a solid reading habit, I’ve found myself swiping more e-pages than flipping through the classics on my shelf. But fear not, I’ve sworn a pact with my physical tomes – I’m diving into that book stack! Here’s the slick move I pulled – I kept my current read right smack on my coffee table. Talk about a game-changer! Whenever boredom or a spare moment strikes, boom, the book’s right there, staring at me. And you know what? It works wonders!

Pick that one spot in your digs that your eyes naturally gravitate towards. Could be your trusty nightstand, that cozy couch in the living room, or heck, even your rugged pub table. Plant a book in that prime real estate, so it’s always in your line of sight. You won’t believe how this simple trick boosts the odds of you reaching for it. 📚🚀

Book on coffee table

4. Find your favourite genres

Gents, let’s master the art of the bookish treasure hunt! When you’ve devoured a book that tickled your fancy, the adventure doesn’t have to end there. Dive into the hunt for kindred tales, and boy, the digital realm is your treasure map! Whether it’s the captivating main character’s royal lineage or a dystopian future world landscape that had you hooked, there’s a world of books echoing those vibes. Perhaps historical fiction is your jam? Delve deeper into that genre, my friends!

No matter how peculiar the tropes may seem, rest assured, there’s a bountiful collection of books woven with similar threads. Believe me, the online universe is teeming with fellow enthusiasts who’ve sailed the same literary waters as you, and they’ve charted their findings in wondrous recommendation lists.

The key to building a reading habit is to chase books that resonate with what you’ve already cherished. Hunt them down, add them to your reading wish list, and revel in the thrill of the next adventure waiting to unfold.

5. The 10 minute habit builder

Here’s a nifty trick to craft the habit of a literary connoisseur, especially for those just dipping their toes in the bookish waters. Forget about setting grand goals of chapters or book counts – it’s all about time, my friends.

Try this, commit to a mere 10 minutes of daily reading, and the beauty is, the clock doesn’t dictate when. Feel free to halt mid-chapter if the mood strikes, no pressure. You can be the maestro of your reading symphony, setting that timer and immersing yourself in the pages for a designated time, full concentration mode. And hey, if the book’s got you spellbound after 10 minutes, go on, keep the adventure rolling.

Patience is our ally, gents. Over time, that 10-minute daily habit will blossom, and guess what? You won’t even need a reminder. It may sound modest, but those 10 minutes – they add up, they’re the stepping stones to something big. It’s where the journey begins, a splendid starting point that’ll have you savouring the pages effortlessly. Embrace those 10 minutes, my fellow readers – it’s the gateway to a world of literary treasures!

6. Find your format to build a reading habit

In this splendid era of convenience, the game has changed. Gone are the days of solely relying on the trusty physical tomes. Oh no, my friends, we now revel in the digital delights of ebooks and the captivating symphony of audiobooks. They’ve flung open the doors to a world of reading, and it’s high time we embrace the possibilities!

Picture this – a delightful exploration of various formats, each tailored to different moments of your day. If you’re a gentleman of constant motion, always elbows-deep in tasks, audiobooks could be your saving grace. Working with your hands? Let the words serenade you through your AirPods. Perhaps you yearn to carry a library without the strain – that’s where the Kindle waltzes into the scene. Experiment away, gents, until you’ve woven these formats seamlessly into your routine.

Man putting on headphones

7. It’s okay to DNF

Listen up, gents! Trudging through books you aren’t vibing with? Well, that’s like navigating through a literary quagmire, my friends. Picture this scenario – you’re knee-deep in a book, but it’s not lighting that fire within, and halfway through, it feels like an uphill battle. Fear not! Forget about the sunk costs, the time and sweat you invested – think instead of the precious moments you’ll reclaim by putting that book to rest.

Time’s a priceless currency, and it’s your right to spend it wisely. If a book’s not hitting the sweet spot, no worries! Toss it aside like a chivalrous knight shedding his armour and pick up another that sets your sets your pulse racing.

Now, here’s the twist – we can’t dodge every book that doesn’t quite float our literary boat. Nope, it’s an inevitability, my friends, even the most seasoned readers tread those not-so-thrilling waters sometimes. But here’s the golden rule: don’t let these encounters be the anchor that stalls your reading ship. Once you start associating reading with something you dread, oh, it’s a slippery slope, and that’s not the path we tread.

8. Annotate your reads

Now, let me clue you in on a secret that’ll take your reading experience up several notches – we’re talking about the art of annotating. It’s like having a tête-à-tête with the book, jotting down your inner musings, and marking the dazzling discoveries. Trust me, when you lay eyes on that annotated copy once you’ve reached the final page, it’s a satisfaction akin to finding the perfect glass of single malt at the end of a long day.🥃

Here’s the game plan: Get your hands on some sticky tabs and a pen that feels just right. Scribble in the margins, even if it’s just an enthusiastic “OMG” or an exclamation-laden “!!!”, and tab those unforgettable lines. Of course, with the Kindle Paperwhite you can highlight passages and make notes with the finesse of a maestro. Mark my words – once you dive into the delightful world of annotating, you’ll realise your on a journey worth embarking on.

book with annotations.  build a reading habit

9. Keep a book with you

An excellent way to build a reading habit is to keep a book close at hand. Then, watch those unexpected pockets of time transform into spontaneous reading escapades. Imagine, during your commute or while waiting for that appointment, your book’s magic awaiting your attention.

In my world, my trusty Kindle is always at my side. It’s like carrying an entire bookshelf in my pocket, it’s the ultimate convenience.

Why restrict reading to the four walls of your abode? Venture out, book in hand! Enjoy your reads at charming coffee shops, amid the tranquility of parks, or even as audiobook companions on invigorating hikes. Heading out for errands? Don’t forget your Kindle, it’s the perfect company. Embrace these bookish possibilities, lads.

10. Start a new read, as soon as you finish

Ah, our last hack to help build an unbreakable reading habit. Here’s a game-changing trick to keep your literary momentum soaring: as you wrap up a book, whether you’ve reached the last line or decided to part ways mid-journey, make a ritual of delving into the first page of a new book before you call it a day.

Now, we all face that quandary of what to read next, that subtle challenge as we bid adieu to one story and seek out the next. Some might postpone the decision, while others grapple with the delightful yet daunting sea of choices, even with a tantalising reading wish-list.

Enter this savvy practice. As soon as you finish one book, give yourself a moment to choose your next adventure and enjoy a tidbit from its pages. A single page or a snippet of a chapter—just enough to proudly declare that you’re embarking on this new literary voyage. Place that freshly chosen book on your desk or nightstand, a beacon of promise.


And there you have it. A treasure trove of tactics to supercharge your reading habit, backed by a dash of bookish wisdom and the spark of camaraderie. Remember, we’re not just stacking up pages; we’re embarking on an epic journey through the realms of imagination and insight. Let these tips become your trusty companions, as reliable as that old, worn bookmark you keep tucked between your favourite pages.

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll soon find that reading becomes as natural as breathing, a enriching habit that brightens your days and broadens your horizons. No more lingering over what book to choose, no more missed opportunities during commutes or waits at appointments, and no more guilt over unfinished paperbacks. The literary world is our oyster, and we’re diving in headfirst.

So, gentlemen, let’s raise a metaphorical glass to the joy of reading, to the journeys yet to be undertaken, and to the camaraderie shared by all those who seek to build a reading habit. Cheers to the literary path ahead. Keep those pages turning! 📚🥂

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